• TUE WED THU 10-1 & 2-7 ● FR1 10-6 ● *SAT 10-1 (*CLOSED JUL & AUG)
  • (585) 494-1120
  • 13 South Lake Avenue, Bergen, NY 14416

About Us

At the Byron-Bergen Public Library, we envision a space that supports intellectual freedom, diversity of thought, and unimpeded pursuit of knowledge. We are steadfast in our commitment to nurturing a space that celebrates curiosity, values diverse narratives, and stands firmly against censorship. In our dedication to this vision, we unwaveringly reject book-banning and uphold the principles of open access, fostering an environment where minds are free to explore, question, and grow, without constraint.

The Byron-Bergen Library was chartered in May 1985 as a public Library to serve the communities of Byron and Bergen. A big part of our funding comes from the Town of Bergen while the remaining funds come from Town of Byron, delinquent fees, Genesee County and State aid as well as various grants and donations.

Our Mission

The Byron-Bergen Library provides innovative resources and services to inspire imagination, to promote education and to create a friendly, multi-generational environment.

Adopted May 2018

Our Purpose

The Byron-Bergen Public Library – its employees, volunteers and Board of Trustees – is committed to the following values:

  1. We support the Library Bill of Rights and the American Library Association’s Freedom to Read Statement.
  2. We value free, open and unrestricted access to our services and resources.
  3. We make every effort to assist, cooperate and participate in our community.
  4. We value our community members and aspire to provide high standards of customer service.

Our Board of Trustees

The Library Board of Trustees meets the first Wednesday of every month at 6:30 pm. The public is welcome to attend.

  • President

    Sally Capurso

  • Vice President

    Shirley Wade

  • Corresponding Secretary

    Heather Kent

  • Financial Secretary/Treasurer

    Anna Marie Barclay

  • Recording Secretary

    Katie Rumble

  • Trustee

    Lauren Grimm

  • Trustee

    Kristina Bird

  • Library Manager

    Nancy Bailey

Our Policies & Bylaws

Byron-Bergen Public Library’s Policy

Long-Range Goals:

The Byron-Bergen Public Library will collaborate with the towns of Bergen and Byron to identify additional funding sources, such as grants, fund-raising opportunities and other municipalities to achieve the following goals:

      1. Create a dedicated space for teens with computer access and comfortable seating to encourage browsing and reading

            2. Create a tutoring area to assist patrons with learning new technologies

            3. Expand and improve library resources and programming  

            4. To secure funding through a Municipal 414 vote (community based funding) in order to keep funding sustainable for future generations.

Byron Bergen Public Library Policies


Any properly registered individual may take out any circulating item in the adult or children’s room collections unless the individual’s privileges have been revoked

There are no limits on the numbers of materials that can be taken out by any given patron unless there are restrictions placed on a child by a parent at the time of registration, with the exception of new patrons and non-resident patrons as outlined in the non-resident policy.

All materials circulate for a 3-week loan period and may be renewed once in person of by phone or Internet, exceptions listed below:

• New Books – Circulate for 1 non-renewable 3-week loan period due to the high interest generated by new materials
• DVDs – Circulate for a 2-week loan period
• New DVDs – Circulate for 1 non-renewable week loan period.
• Playaways- Circulate for 3-week loan period


All materials may be returned in the 24-hour drop box at the front of the building.  The material will be discharged off patron library card using the last business date open.


Charges for books and materials will be $.20/day for adults and children with a maximum fine of $5 per item.

Video/DVD overdue charges will be $1/day with a maximum fine of $5 per item.

The first reminder for patrons have overdue materials is sent 1weeks after the due date.

The second reminder for patrons that have overdue materials is sent 3 weeks after the due date.

Patrons are sent a legal notice 6 weeks after the due date.  Legal notices shall contain the following:

Identification of the materials that need to be returned:

1) A statement of the replacement cost of the material as determined below:
• If a patron loses or refuses to return library material, the patron will be charged the cost of replacement of the material if it is still available.
• If the material is no longer available, the patron will be charged the original cost of the material.
• If the original cost of the material cannot be determined, the patron will be charged the cost of a suitable replacement for the material.

2) A statement of overdue charges if applicable.

3) The following statement from the NYS Education Law details legal penalties in addition to the above:

Section 265 of the Education Law of the State of New York is as follows:
Detention – “Whoever willfully detains any book, newspaper, magazine, pamphlet, manuscript, or other property belonging to any public or incorporated library, reading-room, museum, or other educational institution, for thirty days after notice in writing to return the same, given after the expiration of the time by which the rules of such institution, such as article or other property may be kept, shall be punished by a fine of not less than one more than twenty-five dollars, or by imprisonment in jail not exceeding six months, and the said notice shall bear on its face a copy of this section.”


A copy of a patron’s legal notice may be sent to an appropriate law enforcement agency’s office 10 weeks after the due date.

The statute of limitations concerning a person who has not returned material is no more than six years. While civil or criminal action may not be taken on an individual after this six year period has expired, the library will continue to deny individuals library privileges until they have reimbursed the library or otherwise settled the dispute.


As a member of the NIOGA System, we will make every effort to fill requests from other members immediately unless there is a local waiting list for the material.  If we borrow a book or other material from NIODA or other member libraries, we will honor the circulation rules of the lending library if they differ from our own.  Any fines differing from our fine system must be made known to the patron upon borrowing the material.  The responsibility of fines is not to the lending library, but to the borrowed library.

As a member of NIOGA, we will endeavor to honor the contractual commitments of NIOGA between libraries and agencies.


If an individual lives or owns property within the NIOGA region (Niagara, Orleans and/or Genesee Counties) the person is considered eligible to receive a library card at no charge, provided the individual can show proof of residency and/or proof of property ownership.  In addition, those patrons that attend the Byron-Bergen Public School district and those employed within the area are also considered eligible to receive a library card at no charge.

Individuals not falling within the guidelines above would be considered non-residents and will be charges a fee of not less than $30 per year for a library card.

In addition, non-resident patrons may borrow 8 items at any given time, including no more than 2 audiovisual (A.V.) materials.  New patrons are limited to 2 items on the day of registration.


Library patrons are expected to be orderly so that other may enjoy the use of the Library undisturbed.  Violators of the above may be denied use of the Library.


Patrons are asked to silence their cell phones while patronizing the Library.  While it is understandable that emergency use of cell phones may be necessary while attending the Library, patrons that must accept a phone call while using the facility are asked to exit the Library area while taking the call.


While Libraries are generally considered friendly, safe environments for children, parents should be aware that Libraries are public buildings where any individual may enter.  In this way, the Library may be compared to a shopping mall or airport, for example, in that the person standing next to you may be your next door neighbor or they may be a perfect stranger about whom nothing is known.  In addition, Library staff is hired to perform Library duties and cannot be expected to deal with a small child who might be frightened, tired or ill.  Parents, not Library staff, are responsible for the behavior of children using the Library. For theses reasons, we prefer that adults supervise their children while they use the facilities. 


Gifts will be accepted by the Library Manager following the guidelines of the Board.  Any unusual gifts will not be accepted without the approval of the Board.

Gifts received by the Manager will be recorded in the special memorial book by the donor, when possible.  Memorial material will also be designated as such.

The Board reserves the right to accept or reject any gifts.  Gift materials accepted by the Board may be added to the collections, sold, or given to other libraries or discarded.  Gifts presented to the Library with qualifying conditions will be accepted at the discretion of the Board.  Length of time for the display of gift items is at the Manager’s discretion.


The use of the Library meeting rooms and equipment must be scheduled with the Manager or the Library Clerk on duty at least two weeks prior to meeting date prior to meeting date to ensure availability.  The rooms must be left as found.  The cost for use of equipment will be charged at rates in effect at the time of the event.

Permission is necessary for the use of equipment in conjunction with an authorized meeting.

Library sponsored or library-oriented programs will receive first priority, after which other groups will be considered on a first-come first-served basis. No smoking is permitted within the facility by any group.  No admission may be charged.  The fact that a group meets at the Library does not constitute an endorsement of the group’s policies or beliefs. 


Display cases and all other areas within the Library will be utilized at the discretion of the Manager, but are provided for the interest, information, and enlightenment of all people in the community which the Library serves.  There are spaces to display various brochures and pamphlets, also at the discretion of the Manager.

Political and/or controversial material and exhibits can be rejected by the Manager and/or Board.  Exhibit materials should meet the criteria of public interest, be informational or enlightening subjects, and/or promote the goals, resources or services of the Library. Individuals displaying items in the case will be notified that the Board of Trustees and the employee of the Library assume no responsibility for the preservation, protection, or possible damage or theft of any items displayed.  Items for a display will be accepted without a waiver signed by the owner absolving Byron-Bergen Public Library and the Towns of Byron and Bergen of liability for loss or damage beyond that covered by insurance. 


“Complaint Form for Literature Found Objectionable” and “General Concern Form” will be provided by the Library Manager at the request of any patron. Each form will be presented to the Board for review, entered into the minutes, and a response from the Board will be sent to the complainant.


Byron-Bergen Public Library supports the confidentiality of library records. No information will be given to any person or agency at any time for any reason regarding any individual’s use of library materials. Circulation records and other records identifying the names of library users will be kept confidential. These records shall not be made available to any agency of state, federal, or local government except pursuant to such process, order, or subpoena as may be authorized under the authority of and pursuant to federal, state, or local law relating to civil, criminal, or administrative discovery procedures or legislative investigative power.

The Library will resist the issuance or enforcement of any such process, order, or subpoena until such time as a proper showing of good cause has been made in court or competent jurisdiction.

Computer/Internet-Wireless Policy

The Byron-Bergen Public Library provides access to information in a variety of formats.  The Internet is available as a reference tool.  It is an unregulated medium that changes constantly and unpredictably. 

The Byron-Bergen Public Library is not responsible for the content of Internet sites.  Since not all Internet sites are accurate, current, or complete, users must exercise caution and use their judgment to evaluate the validity and appropriateness of the information found.  Our Librarians are not able to verify whether the information on the Internet is valid, but may have other reference materials you may use for further information.  The Internet is for educational, informational, and recreational purposes only.  No unauthorized, illegal, and/or unethical purposes will be tolerated.

You must have a valid Library card to use the Internet.  Users need to sign an Internet Use Agreement before using the Internet.  Children under 16 years of age must have their agreement signed by a parent or legal guardian in the presence of a Librarian.  The computer will be signed out by presenting your Library card at the front desk.  Parental supervision for children under 14 years of age will be needed while using the Internet.  Parents and/or legal guardians, NOT library staff, are responsible for the Internet information selected and/or accessed by their children.

The use of the Internet is a privilege, not a right.  The privilege may be revoked if the service is used in an inappropriate manner, at the Librarian’s discretion.  Non-copyrighted materials may be printed for the normal library copy fees.

The Library is not responsible for any damages the use may sustain, including but not limited to: loss of data, service interruptions, and non-deliveries of data arising from user omission or error or performance of equipment or the compromise of personal information or data (ex. Credit card). 

Use of information obtained through the Internet is at the user’s own risk.

Computer usage is limited to 30 minutes at a time unless approved by Library staff.

The Library’s wireless network is not secure or filtered therefore virus and security protection is recommended. Please keep in mind that information sent from your laptop has the potential to be captured by anyone else with a wireless device and the appropriate software.

 Wireless Internet access is available to patrons of all ages. Parents or guardians of children under 18 years of age are responsible for their child’s Internet use. The Library assumes no responsibility for the use of the wireless network by children.

No guarantee can be provided that you will be able to make a wireless connection.  Library staff is not able to provide technical assistance to wireless users. The Library cannot guarantee that you will be able to connect successfully to the wireless network.

There is no printing capability associated with the Library’s wireless network. If you need to print, either email the files to your web-based email account or save to a USB drive and use one of the public computers to print to the printer.

– Byron-Bergen Public Library Board Created on March 2012 –Reviewed on 6-08-15-Reviewed and Updated 5-08-18, 10/12/2020

Bylaws of the Board of Trustees

Section 1. The Byron-Bergen Public Library Board of Trustees (“the Board”) shall be located at the Byron-Bergen Public Library, 13 South Lake Street, PO Box 430, Bergen NY 14416.

Section 1. The Board’s purpose is to oversee the services of the Byron-Bergen Public Library.
Section 2. The Board works to support the library mission: The Byron Bergen Library provides innovative resources and services to inspire imagination, to promote education and to create a friendly, multi-generational environment.

Section 1. The Board is to be composed of seven (7) representatives: appointed by the Bergen Town Board, or the Byron Town Board, when possible.
Section 2. Board appointments are for a 5-year term. No member should have more than two consecutive 5-year terms.

Section 1. The duties of the Board are as follows:
A. To select a qualified manager
B. To assure adequate financing and money management for the library.
C. To be a liaison between the library and the general public.
D. To establish and evaluate goals of the library.
E. To advocate for library funding and programming.
F. To develop operating policy.

Section 1. The officers of the Board will be: President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary and Financial Secretary.
Section 2. Officers shall be elected each January for a one-year term. New Officers will take office immediately after the election.
Section 3. The Supervisor of the Town of Bergen, or his designee, shall serve as Treasurer of the Byron-Bergen Public Library Board.

Section 1. The President shall prepare an agenda and preside at all meetings of the Board.
Section 2. The Vice President shall perform the duties of President as needed.
Section 3. The Recording Secretary shall be responsible for taking minutes at each regular meeting, filing and distributing minutes as outlined in library procedures.
Section 4. The Corresponding Secretary shall acknowledge gifts, donations and bequests at the direction of the Board, and other correspondence as outlined in the library procedures.
Section 5. The Financial Secretary shall keep accurate books of the receipts and disbursements of the Library, make and distribute monthly reports to the Board and the towns as required. Work with the Library Manager to file the Annual report to New York State
each year, and to prepare the budget requests for the Town of Byron and the Town of Bergen for delivery as mandated each year.

Section 1. Attendance: Two (2) consecutive unexcused absences or a total of three (3) unexcused absences in any calendar year shall be cause for review and possible removal by the Board. The President must have prior notification of an absence.
Section 2. Resignation: Any officer may resign from office at any time by giving written notice to the President. Such resignation shall be effective when the notice is delivered, unless otherwise specified.
Section 3. Removal: Any officer duly elected or appointed may be removed by a majority of a quorum of the eligible voting members whenever in its judgment the best interests of the Library would be served thereby.
Section 4. Vacancies: A vacancy in an office shall be filled by a vote of the Board, with approval and appointment made by the Byron or Bergen Town Board. The Trustee elected shall serve for the remainder of the term of the officer he or she replaces. No name shall be placed in nomination without the consent of the nominee.

Section 1. The Board will meet once per month except during the summer month of either July OR August, as agreed by the Board. The public will be notified of all meetings, to the extent possible.
Section 2. A special meeting may be held at the request of any Board member with the concurrence of the President. Members should be given at least twenty-four (24) hours notice prior to any special meetings.

Section 1. Quorum: The Board must have four (4) members, or a majority, present to carry out formal business.

Adopted on August 8, 2002
Amended: 5-11-15, 8-10-20, 6-2-21

Our Team

Nancy Bailey is the Library Manager at the Byron-Bergen Public Library for over 20 years.  She has a Bachelor’s degree from SUNY Geneseo, and has lived in Bergen for over 30 years.  Her favorite part of the job is getting to know her patrons, and what they enjoy reading!

Library Staff: Cheryl, Sandy, Nancy and Zoey.

Our History


The Town of Bergen and the Library obtain grant funds to renovate the court room to house the Children’s Library. The restrooms were remodeled for handcapped accessibility.


The Gillam Grant Community Center closes its library on December 31st.


The Library becomes fully automated. Patrons can now gain home access to their account to request library material via the Internet at NIOGA.org


The Byron-Bergen Public Library expanded into the renovated Fire Dept’s truck bay at the Bergen Town Hall.


The Bergen Fire Department moved to new facilities north of the village.


The Bergen Reading Center was chartered by the State of New York for the towns of Bergen and Byron with its library at the Bergen Town Hall. It’s name was now the Byron-Bergen Public Library. The Gillam -Grant Community Center contracts with the Byron-Bergen Public Library for public money and services for its library.


The Bergen Reading Center open July 16th under the direction of the NIOGA Library System in the Bergen Town Hall Meeting Room/Court Room.


The NIOGA Library System was chartered by the State of New York. This system covered Niagara, Orleans, and Genesee Counties. The women of the Triangle Club, the Fireman’s Auxiliary and the community petitioned the Bergen Town Board to support a library.


The Grange decided it did not have enough room for the books so they were then stored in Ken and Virginia Baron’s barn at 24 Clinton Street.


Miss Rogers sold her home. The books were moved to the Bergen Grange at 27 Rochester Street.


The Village Board gave money to the library for books.


Women from the Triangle Club started a library in the home of Miss Helen Rogers at 22 South Lake Street.


School on Rochester Street was built. Members of the Triangle Club (a reorganized YWCA club) raised money for the library at the school.


Reading Club formed.


Moral Library established.


Settlers gathered books for a library.